professors robert and sarah black examine the film 'arrival' 5 minutes at a time.
First Episodes
minutes 1-5 - our own perception of time and space and memory and reality
time loops, somewhere in time, costumes, identity, names, earliest memories, cancer, fate, and galician portuguese. #arrival

minutes 6-10 - we love you, alien leaders
lockdown, monoliths, apathy, ship locations, numerology, quebec nationalist lionel groulx, signs, indpendence day, 24-hour news cycle, fake news, agenda setting theory...

minutes 11-15 - do the aliens want cows?
lockdown hoarding, no new gun licenses, montana, forest whitaker, max weber, linguist vs translator, jessica coons, dialects, jargon, ssbi, tv tropes' the worm guy, th...

minutes 16-20 - to find out more, look for the link
premonitions, miscommunication, language as the basis for civilization, epistemology, objectivist vs interpretivist, the score, johann johannsson, max richter, and am...

minutes 21-25 - the way human nature is
character introductions, the day the earth stood still, godzilla, archetypes, close encounters, 2001, greenland, halpern's paranoia, room 237, fibonacci, spirals, brea...