All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in total

minutes 1-5 - our own perception of time and space and memory and reality

time loops, somewhere in time, costumes, identity, names, earliest memories, cancer, fate, and galician portuguese. #arrival

minutes 6-10 - we love you, alien leaders

lockdown, monoliths, apathy, ship locations, numerology, quebec nationalist lionel groulx, signs, indpendence day, 24-hour news cycle, fake news, agenda setting theory...

minutes 11-15 - do the aliens want cows?

lockdown hoarding, no new gun licenses, montana, forest whitaker, max weber, linguist vs translator, jessica coons, dialects, jargon, ssbi, tv tropes' the worm guy, th...

minutes 16-20 - to find out more, look for the link

premonitions, miscommunication, language as the basis for civilization, epistemology, objectivist vs interpretivist, the score, johann johannsson, max richter, and am...

minutes 21-25 - the way human nature is

character introductions, the day the earth stood still, godzilla, archetypes, close encounters, 2001, greenland, halpern's paranoia, room 237, fibonacci, spirals, brea...

minutes 26-30 - we're never truly able to communicate unfiltered

the shape of the shell, encoding, decoding, manipulating gravity, the shape of the entryway, 15 eunomia, disorientation, map orientation and political power dynamics

minutes 31-35 - it's kind of an upbeat ending, i guess

the long hallway, 2001, going toward the light, the nave as movie theater, oxygen levels, john scott haldane, a canary in a coal mine, titles, seeing different parts o...

minutes 36-40 - we walk in and they say "oh, hi mark"

a timing problem, hands, whiteboards, semiotics, katie porter, logorama, alien sound design, alien shape, alien names, and darmok #arrival #moviesbyminutes

minutes 41-45 - all their meaningful glances

colonizing language, translating kangaroo, parables, darmok, rom com moments, power and communication, stargate, "what is your purpose on earth?", limits to language, ...

minutes 46-50 - everything is part of one thing

tower of babel, social penetration theory, alien design, the darkling sea, trusting science, songbird, lockdown, abbott and costello, and perspective guest: dave pa...

minutes 51-55 – like real-life transformation, it’s ugly and you suffer

horse imagery, bureaucracy, sacrifice, lasky, caterpillar symbolism, musical cue: heptapod b, ian’s overnarration, location coordinates and maps, sheena easton, semasi...

minute 56-60 - i recognize the me in you

exposition, montage, narration, my octopus teacher, nonlinear orthography, dating and communication, connection, guy fawkes, contact, realism, immigration, right wing ...

minutes 61-65 - that's what this show is for--to get all that nuance

sapir-whorf hypothesis, linguistic determinism, behaviorism, colonization, sturmfrei, piraha, pormpuraaw, neo-whorfianism, muted group theory, pontypool, mahjong #a...

minutes 66-70 - fingers on hands on fingers on giant hands

2010, the abyss, cinematography, zoom calls, logograms, free will, china as antagonist, storytelling in different mediums, and the need for plot. guest: curtis blo...

minutes 71-75 - we can't expect the special effects guys to speak heptapod

face blindness; c4 explosives; and pointing, across ages, across cultures, across species, across time. #arrival #moviesbyminutes

minutes 76-80 - it's easy to, sort of, fathom, but hard to explain

the score; bomb timers; editing mistakes; nonlinear understanding; hate crimes against asian americans; red dawn; altering films for foreign audiences; google translat...

minutes 81-85 - you're like that kid who fails the marshmallow test

orientation in time, mansplaining fractions, collaboration vs competition, russian stereotypes, poisoning, chernobyl, non-zero-sum games, constructivism, listening, an...

minutes 86-90 - we all end up screwing up our children in new and unique ways

star trek vs star wars, steven seagal, blade runner, tarantino, alex garland, parenting, talking out problems, casting hollywood scientists, living through screens, ki...

minutes 91-95 - i'll make it fit my head canon

speech act theory, liturgy, ritual, abbot and costello as hands, present tense, seeing vs knowing, slaughterhouse-five, mystics, plato's allegory of the cave, finding ...

minutes 96-100 - those who read the book of ages never admit to it

learning heptapod b, the secret, language and memory, coping with future knowledge, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, maslow's hierarchy of needs, future dating p...

minutes 101-105 - could she say something here that wasn't trite?

individualism, elite access, an inconvenient truth, torrents, unstuck in time, adaptation, acting choices, clunky dialogue, defining treason, conflict styles, and lost...

minutes 106-110 - louise is the most cunning linguist

the day the earth stood still, road to perdition, clandestiny, maury, the life cycle of an egg, the burden of knowing the future, and astrological signs. guest: hay...

minutes 111-116 - even knowing that it's temporary and painful

one last montage, social penetration, uncertainty reduction, expectancy violation, privacy vs secrecy, and free will. (plus something fun) #arrival #moviesbyminutes

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